
Workmatters Blog

Crafted for a Calling: Reflections on Ephesians 2:10

Crafted for a Calling: Reflections on Ephesians 2:10

We were created by God and we were saved through God’s grace. Both were God’s gifts to us, without us having to do a single thing. The number and grandness of our works have no sway on whether God grants us the gift of being saved. So then, why should we care about doing good works? 

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Mending Self-Sabotaging Behavior

Mending Self-Sabotaging Behavior

As I’ve started reading The Mountain is You by Brianna Wiest, I’ve used it as the opportunity to look at my internal brokenness through the lens of self-sabotage. Self-sabotage can sound harsh, but most of our sabotage isn’t acting violently toward ourselves or purposely causing havoc in our lives. Self-sabotage is simply “the presence of an unconscious need that is being fulfilled by the self-sabotaging behavior… [it’s] what happens when we refuse to consciously meet our innermost needs, often because we do not believe we are capable of handling them.” 

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Don’t Break the Chain: Spiritual Disciplines

Don’t Break the Chain: Spiritual Disciplines

I learned about the Don’t Break the Chain method of productivity in 2012 and it has weaved itself in and out of my bullet journals, trackers, and planners ever since. Physically marking off that you completed a habit gives you a jolt of dopamine, a sense of accomplishment, and seeing the chain grow encourages the sustenance of the habit.

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Influence at Work: Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

Influence at Work: Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

Every interaction we have with others is an opportunity to spread love, acceptance, and compassion. Whether it was through his simple acts of kindness, his affirming words, or his gentle teaching, Mister Rogers touched countless lives, reminding us that influence is not limited to grand gestures, but rather it can thrive in the everyday moments.

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