
Workmatters Blog

Dr. Tim Elmore

Dr. Tim Elmore

Dr. Tim Elmore is the founder & CEO of Growing Leaders, a global nonprofit that encourages and equips young adults to take on real-life opportunities and challenges. He talks about how to get the most out of the strengths of each age group on your team.

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Jordan Raynor

Jordan Raynor

Jordan Raynor helps Christians respond to the radical, biblical truth that their work matters for eternity. Get ready for a high-energy, gospel-centric speech that you will not forget.

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Welcome to the team, Jackie and Frank!

Welcome to the team, Jackie and Frank!

To our Workmatters friends and fans, After achieving our vision in 2021 to equip 1 million leaders of faith in 10,000 companies by 2025, it became clear that it was time to grow our team in preparation for what God is doing next through Workmatters. Today,...

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17 Powerful Workplace Scriptures

17 Powerful Workplace Scriptures

The words “work” and “toil” are mentioned over 480 times in the Bible, indicating that God considers our work to be a very important aspect of our lives. Throughout Scripture God communicates how important our work is to Him. Below are just a few verses that...

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