
Workmatters Blog

3 Biblical Reasons to Start Making Time for Rest

It seems a little contradictory. You’re not getting anything done when you’re resting, right? You may think things like: “I have too much work to get 8 hours of sleep.” “If only there were more hours in a day.” “They can eat dinner without me.” “I don’t have...

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Simple Ways to Integrate your Faith and Work

What does it mean to truly integrate faith into every area of our lives? This question permeates throughout offices and workplaces as people try to figure out how to live a full life as God intended. There are many things we can do to learn how to live a...

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3 Faith and Work Lessons to Teach Your Kids

My son asked me the other day, “Dad, why do you work so late?” From his perspective, it’s a long time between the time he gets home from school and the time I get home from work – most nights just before dinner. He’s probably curious why work doesn’t end at...

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