
Choose to Live a Flourishing Life

by | Jun 4, 2015

So many of us live moment to moment. We do our best to accomplish the tasks we have to get done each day. We are constantly trying to balance the diverse elements of our lives at home and at work. Each day is a new battle. And before we know it, we string together a month of days like this, then a year, then a decade and so on.

How’s that working for you?

Let’s challenge ourselves today to think differently. Let’s move from just surviving, to a life of thriving – to FLOURISHING! We believe that’s what happens when you close the gap between your faith and work. In Steve Graves book, Flourishing, he describes it as a life lived growing, thriving, bearing fruit, overflowing. I want that, don’t you?

However, a flourishing life at work will not happen magically. It will not happen simply because you want it to. It requires conscious choices made over time.

Let’s look at a few ideas to move you to a flourishing life at work:

  • Find like-minded people – Daniel had Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. Who can you walk with at work who has a vision for flourishing? Is there someone who can encourage you, be a role model, hold you accountable? Watch this brief My Work Matters video for excellent examples of flourishing.
  • Be intentional – Four months ago, 16 young professionals made a choice to flourish when they committed to participate in theWorkMatters Institute. This week, one by one, they stood in front of their peers and shared how their lives will now be different as a result of their new understanding of the biblical meaning of work and how to apply it. It was powerful! Now, they must be intentional about living what they have learned. How about you? What intentional choices can you make to move you into a flourishing life?
  • Commit to a life-long journey – Raise your eyes above your work. Think bigger. Envision a life lived with purpose and meaning. Then commit to it. You will have hardships to endure (Romans 5:3-4). But God wants us to flourish: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11.

This is serious stuff. Don’t let your day-to-day life dictate your legacy at work and at home. Find inspirational people, be intentional with your choices and commit to it!

Tune into this space over the next four weeks as we unpack specific ideas to help you FLOURISH. Subscribing to this blog ensures you will see the new posts and also receive our free 7 Pillars of Faith and Work eBook. And, if you find value in this blog content, please share it with your circle of influence!

Together, we are closing the gap between faith and work.


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What Happens When You Close the Gap Between Faith and Work

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Flourishing – Steve Graves