Jessica Simms

Leading Through The Jordan River: Walking in the Shoes of the Levitical Priests

Welcome back to the Jordan River. When we left off last week, we were discussing the importance of waiting for God and trusting God when facing our own “Jordan River,” just as the Israelites did in the book of Joshua.

If you missed last week’s blog, you can read it here. You can also find the referenced story in the bible in Joshua 3:1-17.

But what if, in your role, you play more of the Levitical Priest? Called to lead people through meaningful moments and decisions. Your point of view of the Jordan River certainly looks a lot different than that of an Israelite.

In fact, in Joshua 3:8, the Lord instructed Joshua, “Tell the priests who carry the ark of the covenant: ‘When you reach the edge of the Jordan’s waters, go and stand in the river.”

So no longer are you standing on the bank, you’re in the river. At work, you’re standing at the podium, you’re leading the meeting, and you’ve got to lead your people to the “Promise Land.”

Here’s what we can take from the Levitical Priests and their leadership in guiding the Israelites across the Jordan. Focus on these things to remember and how you can reflect the next time you’re facing a “river” at work:

Remember – God will command you. There’s no need to panic when it’s your time to lead your people. Just as it reads in Joshua 3:8, you can rely on God’s instruction.

Reflect – What is God asking me to do in this moment? How has he commanded me in the past? Have there been times I did not obey his commands?

Remember – God will guide you. When God led the Israelites across the Jordan River into the Promised Land, He chose the harvest season, which means the banks were swollen and the waters were high. God chose the most difficult time possible for His people to pursue the promise. Why? Because He wanted to demonstrate His power and His faithfulness.

Reflect – What type of obstacles are in my way in this situation? How can I empower my team to see past the difficulties? How can we use this obstacle as an opportunity to grow as a team?

Remember – God will unite you. Just as crossing the Red Sea changed Israel’s standing from slavery to freedom, passing through the Jordan into the Promised Land transformed Israel from a wandering horde into an established nation.

Reflect – What does success look like for my team in this situation? What is our “promised land?” How would a united team help us accomplish our goal? How can I encourage unity in this specific situation?

Let the story of the Jordan River inspire you at work, whether you are crossing the river as the Israelites or leading others across like the Levitical Priests. Though put before us by God to intentionally challenge us, it is a great opportunity to grow as leaders in our workplace. Let it help us learn how to lead by example and lead others.

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Jessica Simms

Facing Your Jordan River: Walking in the Shoes of the Israelites
