
Support Workmatters

Thank you for supporting Workmatters! Your generosity helps provide the financial resources necessary to fulfill our vision to see everyone formed into the image of Christ in work, at work, and through work. Our entire team is profoundly grateful for God’s provision, demonstrated through the donors who have helped sustain and grow Workmatters since 2003.

Your support makes it possible for Workmatters to encourage people to grow in their faith as they discover the sacredness of their work, which has a positive multiplying effect in the workplace, home, church and community. Your generosity is making a difference!

Eric Greenhaw

Vice President of Development

Ways To Give

Cash gifts

Cash gifts are the most popular and straightforward way to support Workmatters. Checks should be made payable to Workmatters and mailed to:

5417 W Pinnacle Pointe Dr #401
Rogers, AR 72758

Workmatters also accepts gifts through ACH bank transfers. Please contact us for bank routing instructions. This can be a convenient way to set up a monthly gift to support Workmatters’ mission.

Does your employer have a matching gift program? If yes, this can be a wonderful way to increase the impact of your gift to Workmatters.

Cash gifts
Credit card

Click here to make a one-time gift or set up a monthly charitable contribution by credit card on our secure giving site.  

Credit card
Appreciated securities

Giving appreciated stock or mutual funds that you have owned for more than one year allows you to support Workmatters while benefitting from a charitable deduction. You may reduce, or even eliminate, federal capital gains taxes on the transfer. Workmatters benefits from the current full market value of the securities, not what you originally paid.

In most instances, appreciated securities held in a brokerage account can easily be transferred electronically to Workmatters. Contact us for routing instructions and more information about this tax-wise way to support Workmatters.

Appreciated securities
Donor advised fund

A donor advised fund (DAF) allows you to make a charitable gift now, receive immediate charitable deduction and still have the flexibility and freedom to later recommend how your gift will be distributed to your favorite qualified charitable organizations. Certain requirements and restrictions apply.

Key Features:

  • Immediate charitable tax deduction.
  • Flexibility with the timing and purpose of your charitable gifts.
  • DAFs can be funded with cash, appreciated assets, real estate and more.
  • Convenience of one consolidated gift receipt.
Donor advised fund
Individual retirement account (ira)

Individuals age 70 ½ and older can make direct transfers (up to $100,000 each calendar year) from their individual retirement account (IRA) to qualified charitable organizations like Workmatters. A direct transfer to Workmatters generates neither taxable income nor a tax deduction, so there is benefit even if you do not itemize your tax deductions. Amounts given in this way count toward required IRA minimum withdrawal amounts for the year of the gift.

You can also remember Workmatters in your future plans by naming us as a charitable beneficiary of your retirement account, providing you with a tax-wise and creative way to support Workmatters with a future gift. This simple process involves completing a change-of-beneficiary form from your provider that details the percentage of your retirement account you would like Workmatters to receive at your passing. Please notify Workmatters of your plans so we can thank you for your future gift.

Individual retirement account (ira)
Charitable trusts
  • Charitable Remainder Unitrust (CRUT) – Provides you with lifetime income from assets you irrevocably donate to a charitable trust. You receive a fixed percentage of the value of the trust, usually 5-7% annually, which is revalued on an annual basis. If a CRUT’s value increases or decreases from one year to the next, your payments from the trust also increase or decrease. When the CRUT terminates, the remaining value transfers to Workmatters. The trust can be funded with a variety of assets, and there can be tax benefits through charitable deduction and avoidance of capital gains tax on gifts of appreciated assets used to fund the trust.
  • Charitable Lead Unitrust (CLUT) – Provides a qualified non-profit, like Workmatters, with an income stream for a set number of years, with the remaining assets eventually passing to non-charitable beneficiaries – like family. This irrevocable trust is worth considering if you want to pass assets to heirs while possibly reducing gift and estate taxes. There are 2 types of CLUTs to evaluate – non-grantor and grantor.
Charitable trusts
Real estate

When you donate a house, land, rental property or commercial building to Workmatters, you receive a federal income tax deduction equal to the property’s full fair market value and eliminate capital gains tax on its appreciation. Before accepting gifts of real estate, Workmatters must evaluate the property’s marketability and investigate any environmental concerns or other potential liabilities. In most cases, donated property should be free of liens or mortgages.

Real estate
Estate bequest

An estate bequest is a provision in your will or living trust that provides a gift to Workmatters at your death. You can specify a specific dollar amount or asset or designate a certain percentage of your estate to support Workmatters. You maintain the freedom and flexibility to make changes and updates during your lifetime to ensure your goals are properly carried out as part of your legacy.

Please let us know if you have remembered Workmatters in your estate plan. The information you share will remain confidential and help ensure that we properly administer and steward your future gift.

Estate bequest

Contact us with questions or to learn more about how you can support workmatters

Eric Greenhaw
Eric Greenhaw
Vice President of Development
Brandon Swoboda
Brandon Swoboda
President & CEO