Workmatters Institute

The Workmatters Institute (WMI) is not just another Bible study or leadership series. It is a journey into the heart of the gospel, which we see as a powerful story of God desiring to redeem us and partner with us – through our work – to participate in His renewal of the world.

WMI takes seriously the fact that we spend over half our lives at work, and it is a deeply formative experience. The question isn’t, “Am I being formed at work?” but rather, “How am I being formed at work?” Or as the Apostle Paul might ask, am I being conformed to the pattern of this world or being transformed by the renewing of my mind.”

In our ten sessions together, we will develop a solid theology of work, embrace a posture to collaborate with God, and develop a plan to live into the area He is calling us to make a difference in right now.


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Our Structure

WMI is profoundly practical. Participants will learn valuable information, probe the gifts God has given them, and sharpen their vocational skills. But life as a Christian at work is not just about learning and doing. The Workmatters Institute is about becoming…becoming the type of person who lives as a person of loving influence, who serves others, works with excellence and integrity, pursues a life of balance, and lives into their calling.

All cohorts use the same formational approach and each session can last up to 60 minutes which includes small group discussions.

Read and Reflect

There is 20-30 minutes of preparation for each session. You will come into the session having read and reflected on the article and devotional that we provide in the Participant Guidebook.

Session Leadership Activity

Each session has a suggested exercise for you to put into practice what you read and reflected on. We share those experiences in our initial small group breakout.

Small Group Breakouts

These are critical for our application and formation. We provide you with poignant questions to discuss in a group of 4-5. Sessions begin and conclude with breakouts.

Video content

Each session is video driven. Seasoned guides teach the WMI content giving scriptural anchors to each topic followed by marketplace storytellers sharing practical applications from the sessions topic.

Who We Partner With


Workmatters' partner churches can multiply their discipleship efforts, equipping their members to see their workplace ripe with formational opportunities and encounters with God. Church members’ love for the local church will be rekindled as they are equipped to live into the good work God has prepared in advance for them to do.


Whether privately owned or publicly held, Workmatters can connect you with valuable resources that awaken your employees to the sacredness of their work. Statistics prove that when they make that connection they are more engaged, fulfilled, and proactive.

Higher Education

Through guest speaking, ancillary content, or adjunct teaching, Workmatters can provide a theological and practical foundation for work. Students will discover the sacredness of work, thus entering the workforce with a Kingdom perspective.

7 Pillars of Faith & Work

Our values animate how we pursue the mission. They are the filters through which we make decisions and they illuminate behaviors that drive our work together.


Working in a way that honors God and benefits others.

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ Matthew 22:37-39 NIV


Having the wisdom and courage to do what is right.

Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out. Proverbs 10:9 NIV


Giving your best effort and trusting God with the results.

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters. Colossians 3:23 NIV


Working in a way that points people to God.

In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good works and glorify your father in heaven. Matthew 5:16 NIV


Putting the needs of others first.

For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Matthew 20:28, NLT


Working with a sense of divine purpose.

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10


Stewarding my time in a way that yields a healthy and sustainable life.

There is a time for everything, and a season for everything under the heavens. Ecclesiastes 3:1


Current Workmatters Institute Experiences

Our current Workmatters Institute experiences are listed below. Our 10-week courses are 100% video-based, curated and designed to help Christian rediscover the sacredness of their work.

If you are interested in hosting a class within your organization or small group at church, please reach out to Darrel Harvey, Director of Spiritual Formation & Content, for more information (

WMI – Northwest Arkansas


10 Weeks




Spring Dates Coming Soon


2-3 hours / week - Reading + Exercises + Class


Pricing Coming Soon
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WMI – Online


10 Weeks


Zoom (Online)


Spring Dates Coming Soon


2-3 hours / week - Reading + Exercises + Class


Pricing Coming Soon
Learn more

Our Storytellers

Workmatters draws storytellers from industries across the board, each with a unique faith story of how spiritual formation has impacted their work.

Shelley Simpson
President & CEO, J.B. Hunt Transport Services, Inc.
Hannah Keener
Owner and Creative Director at Zenith Studios
Cameron Magee
Owner, avad3
Keisha Fowler
Community & Giving Specialist, Simmons Foods
Manuel Barrantes
Director of Merchandise Operations - Neighborhood Markets, Walmart
John Roberts
Executive Board Chairman, J.B. Hunt Transport, Inc.
Teresa Thompson
Public High School Science Teacher
John Thompson
Public High School Football Coach

Faith & Leadership Action Plan: Facing Conflict

The Faith & Leadership Action Plan is a way for young leaders to get personal and specific about integrating their faith and work. For Patricia Rothmeyer, previously an account manager at Field Agent, the Institute helped her see that her first step in bringing renewal to her organization started with her – to face the all-too-common tendency of downplaying or avoiding conflict. Check out her story and how God is impacting the team through her.


Taking part in WMI was simply an amazing experience. It shined a light on just how important my work and my contribution are, as they’re part of God’s plan. The 7 pillars of Faith & Work helped me identify many ways in which I could better honor God in my daily work. It also provided me with tools to act on it. In other words, it made me completely reframe my relationship with work – for the better.

Nicolas Reichert
Senior Frontend Engineer, Mews, Portugal

I believe that the theology and tools that Workmatters equips people with have the potential to reignite the passion in your job, find balance in your life, and enrich your working years to come. Workmatters has helped me find peace in my work

Katherine Mitchell
Human Centered Design Lead, Tyson Foods

Workmatters, through its various resources, has helped me live out my faith in the workplace. Workmatters Institute has given me deeper understanding into how important work is to God and how He uses work to tell the story of redemption and truth.

Jose Socorro
Regional Director, JAN-PRO Franchise Development

The Workmatters Institute has positively impacted my professional journey and purpose. The 7 pillars of the study have made it easier and practical for me to integrate my faith into work. I have been equipped to make meaningful contributions in both my career and community of entrepreneurs. I do now believe that Work and faith always have to move together to the glory of God.

Mark Mbayo
Co-Founder, Divine Medical Clinics, Uganda

What excited me about the institute was the idea that it focused on leadership and excellence in the workplace as well as my core worldview and values, teaching me how to balance my ambition and goal setting with working for the glory of God.

Anna Hipps
Executive Recruiter, Ivey Talent Partners
Nicolas Reichert
Katherine Mitchell
Jose Socorro
Mark Mbayo
Anna Hipps

Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find answers to the questions we get asked the most about the Workmatters Institute experience. If there are any additional questions not answered below, please feel free to reach out to Darrel Harvey, Director of Spiritual Formation & Content, for more information.

How long is the class?

All formats of WMI are a 10-session experience.

How long is the class?
How can I recommend the institute to someone?
  • Start with a conversation. “How are you intentionally investing in your growth and as a leader?”
  • Share your endorsement of their potential and the Workmatters Institute.
  • Encourage them to investigate the program on our website and to follow us on socials.
  • Follow up with the individual.
  • Introduce them to Darrel Harvey, the Workmatters Institute Director.
  • Follow up again.
How can I recommend the institute to someone?
How can I have my class refunded or sponsored?

We offer the opportunity for participants to have their company, company owner, or direct supervisor sponsor their institute costs. Please email Darrel Harvey at for more details on the sponsorship process.

How can I have my class refunded or sponsored?
How much time should I dedicate to learning each week?

You can anticipate dedicating 2-3 hours each week to the class: 1.5 hours of instruction and 1-2 hours of reading, devotionals, or exercises.

How much time should I dedicate to learning each week?
I’m a business owner, can I refer my employees?

Absolutely! Please reach out to either President and CEO, Brandon Swoboda or Darrel Harvey to talk about how the Workmatters Institute can help your employees live our their faith at work and make an impact on your business through your employees.

I’m a business owner, can I refer my employees?
What type of content is taught?

Our emphasis is to make faith and work practical and actionable. Readings, class discussions and executive speakers include teaching and insights related to theology and spiritual formation, cultural discernment, and leadership development. Our content and practices are influenced by reformed, charismatic, and contemplative traditions, and participants of all denominations (and of no denomination) have felt at home in this experience.

What type of content is taught?
Where should I be in my faith journey before applying?

Each class has participants from a wide range of Christian traditions on a variety of points on their spiritual journey. What they have in common is an openness to live and lead like Jesus.

Where should I be in my faith journey before applying?
Where will Workmatters-led class meet?

We will meet via Zoom or at a shared office space in NWA. Our Institute director, Darrel, will send all zoom links prior to the start of the cohort through calendar invites via email. Check out the individual class pages or reach out to find out if classes are happening in-person or online!

Where will Workmatters-led class meet?
Who is the ideal Institute candidate?

The ideal candidate is hungry to grow spiritually and professionally, values purposeful work, is passionate about making an impact on people with their work, and is willing to wrestle with theological concepts and practical ideas.

Who is the ideal Institute candidate?
Will I have to buy any books or supplies?

No. We will provide a participant guide designed specifically for your class. It will be physically or digitally delivered prior to beginning the Institute.

Will I have to buy any books or supplies?

WMI Founder

Ben Kirksey knew as a college student that God had gifted and called him to help individuals and organizations flourish. In 2010, Ben was working at Northstar Partnering Group. Burdened for college students entering the workforce, he co-founded Kairos, a program designed to equip them to pursue God’s purpose for them at work. Kairos became the Workmatters Institute in 2013. Because of Ben’s vision and faithfulness, there are hundreds of people who have discovered the sacredness of their work and are fulfilling God’s purpose for them in the marketplace.