The Christian story is anchored in the ancient story of Abraham, a story of leaving everything that was familiar and going to the place God would show him. Hebrews 11 commends Abraham and others for this type of faith: a trust in God that anchored them in reality and moved them toward the unseen possibilities that He was calling them to.
It seems like living and leading in the way of Jesus is filled with leaving and going. The disciples left their nets. The paralytic left the pool of Bethesda that had been his home for 38 years. Zacchaeus left his cheating ways. Even Jesus himself left his life as the carpenter’s son at the Jordan River, to start his earthly ministry.
What might God be stirring you to leave in this season? Is it time to leave your job? If you’ve read anything about the great resignation you know the numbers are staggering and it’s still happening. On average, 4 million Americans are quitting their jobs each month in 2022. People are leaving in droves.
Maybe it’s not the land of your vocation that He is calling you to leave.
There are other places we live…the lands we have become accustomed to, familiar in, and where we feel at home.
Maybe it’s time to leave…
The Land of Unforgiveness
The Land of Apathy
The Land of Self Reliance
Those are only a few lands that we can get comfortable in and settle for rather than trusting God that He has a better home for us. I encourage you to take some time today to consider if He’s calling you to leave the Land of Scorekeeping, the Land of Victimhood, the Land of Superiority or wherever you’ve been residing and ask Him for a trust in Him that anchors you in reality and moves you toward the unseen possibilities that God was calling you to.