Do your members know that
their work is sacred?


While most Christians spend only a few hours at church each week, compared to 40 hours at work, many do not experience work as part of their spiritual formation. This disconnect from work is impacting church culture, home life, and discipleship efforts.
3 out of 4
workers see no connection
between their faith and work
people employed around the
world, 85% are in non-managerial
3 out of 4
believe their work has no purpose
and are disengaged

With the Workmatters Institute You Can Help Your Church:

Champion the First Commission: “Fill the Earth and Subdue it.”
Support your members in their careers.
Prepare your members to collaborate with God at work.
See work as a sacred, holy place where they are being formed into the image of Christ.
Workmatters Institute for Churches

Imagine what could happen in our churches if our people…

  • All worked from the right theology of work – understanding that their work matters because it matters to God. 

  • Comprehend that their work was prepared beforehand for them to do.

  • Were equipped with the tools to help them abide with Christ in their work, at their work, and through their work.

  • Had a framework to positively impact coworkers, customers and their neighbors.

The Workmatters Institute is for you and your company!

What excited me about the institute was the idea that it focused on leadership and excellence in the workplace as well as my core worldview and values, teaching me how to balance my ambition and goal setting with working for the glory of God.

Anna Hipps
Executive Recruiter, Ivey Talent Partners

“Workmatters has a rich 20-year history of equipping the body of Christ to integrate their faith into their work. I am humbled and excited to lead the next season of this organization in reaching the world with the message that their work matters to God!”

Brandon Swoboda
Incoming Workmatters CEO

The Workmatters Institute is such a rewarding experience, not only to grow to your faith but also to grow in your workspace as well. Through the WMI, I learned how to be a better leader for myself and for my team.

Chris Diaz
Market President, Peoples Bank
Anna Hipps
Brandon Swoboda
Chris Diaz

How Do We Get Started?

Determine how WMI Fits in
Your Church

1. Small groups
2. For your whole church
3. Our team can help walk you through the best fit

Identify your Workmatters
Institute Hosts

These people don’t need to be experts, they just need to have a passion for helping people see that their work is sacred.

Launch WMI in Your Church

What do your members get?

  • Your hosts will receive a physical Workmatters Host Guidebook with session-by-session instructions to ensure they can Facilitate their Group With their Eyes Closed!

  • Participants will receive a digital copy of Workmatters Institute. Physical copies are available for purchase.

  • One year of access to a custom Workmatters Institute Portal for your groups to engage with Workmatters Institute content and one another.

  • You and your hosts will have access to our Partner Success Specialist to ensure you are set up for success from beginning to end.

Pricing Options

Groups of 10
Starting At
$470 $940
1 Host, 9 Participants
Downloadable Digital Guidebooks
buy now
Groups of 20
Starting At
$965 $1,930
1 Host, 19 Participants
Downloadable Digital Guidebooks
buy now
Groups of 30
Starting At
$1,460 $2,920
1 Host, 29 Participants
Downloadable Digital Guidebooks
buy now
Groups of 30
Starting At
Custom Pricing
For groups of more than 30. Let’s
connect to find the perfect plan for your
Schedule A Call

Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find answers to the questions we get asked the most about the Workmatters Institute experience. If there are any additional questions not answered below, please feel free to reach out to Darrel Harvey, Director of Spiritual Formation & Content, for more information (

How can I have my class refunded or sponsored?

We offer the opportunity for participants to have their company, company owner, or direct supervisor sponsor their institute costs. Please email Darrel Harvey at for more details on the sponsorship process.

How can I have my class refunded or sponsored?
How can I recommend the institute to someone?
  • Start with a conversation. “How are you intentionally investing in your growth and as a leader?”
  • Share your endorsement of their potential and the Workmatters Institute.
  • Encourage them to investigate the program on our website and to follow us on socials.
  • Follow up with the individual.
  • Introduce them to Darrel Harvey, the Workmatters Institute Director.
  • Follow up again.
How can I recommend the institute to someone?
How long is the class?

All formats of WMI are a 10-session experience.

How long is the class?
How much time should I dedicate to learning each week?

You can anticipate dedicating 2-3 hours each week to the class: 1.5 hours of instruction and 1-2 hours of reading, devotionals, or exercises.

How much time should I dedicate to learning each week?